World’s Biggest Bike Ride on 12 September

World’s Biggest Bike Ride on 12 September

One of our Members Chris Begg is organising a slow and unchallenging ride round Warwick and Leamington as part of the World’s Biggest Bike Ride the cycling event for people who simply ride a bike.

Cycling can – and will – make the world a better place; it improves our health, our wellbeing, our air quality, our ability to travel safely, so we’re calling on anyone who likes riding bikes to go for a spin on 12 September.

We need you to show your support for cycling – the time is now. As the UK government recognises how important cycling is, let’s show that all nations are behind this new era of travelling more actively.

Starting from the Bandstand, Pump Room Gardens, Leamington at 3pm on Saturday 12th September. ride round Warwick and Leamington, doing our best to follow the local NCN routes, and noting where they fall short. Finish 4.30 pm approx., but some may peel off earlier, of course.

Anyone who wants to join us will be welcome. We will mainly be on-road, and everyone will be responsible for their own safety.

The Worlds Biggest Bike Ride is organised by Cycling UK More info here.