The consultation closes shortly on proposals to build a dual carriageway linking the A46 to Warwick University and the Westwood Heath business area.
In its response to the consultation Cycleways highlighted Warwickshire County’s failure to take note of its own strategic objectives on climate change and sustainable transport.
Study after study shows that building roads just encourages people into their cars resulting in more congestion and pollution. Anyone who has ever tried to park on the University campus knows that the last thing we need to do is encourage more people to drive there.
What we need are better public transport links and facilities for those who want to cycle with Coventry, Kenilworth and Leamington all within easy cycling distance of the campus.
Tony Lewenz, Chairman of Cycleways said:
“There is evidence that several key objectives stated in the consultation document will not be met, by the authorities plans despite claims to the contrary.
“The mitigation of climate change is supposedly one of the key strategic objectives of the County Council and yet it only plays lip-service to sustainable options ,failing even to consider them in their detailed modelling exercise.
“ As we move into the post-COVID era with more remote working we need to reconsider plans to cover even more of our countryside with tarmac. The County Council needs to move away from its obsession with motor vehicles and deliver on its commitments to counter climate change.
“Warwick University’s “Climate Emergency Declaration” pledges that it will work with the community to reduce both its direct and indirect emissions, but this seems at odds with its support for this road project. We call on staff and students to lobby the University to withdraw its support for this scheme.”
Cycleways has produced a detailed response to the consultation available on our website which lays out in detail why this scheme is ill-considered and should not go ahead.