This consultation closes on 14 February we urge you to respond to the consultation here
Summary of Cycleways’ response
- No climate change objective is included in the consultation document, despite all 3 signatory councils recognising that there is a climate change emergency, and that climate change mitigation is one of their strategic objectives.
- Options 2 and 3 in the consultation document are principally based on road building and road vehicles. The sustainable options have not been considered as viable alternatives to the road schemes, despite these options having greater potential to meet the stated objectives and meet climate change targets;
- The Vectos Detailed Modelling Assessment only considers road-based solutions. It ignores the sustainable options mentioned in the consultation document;
- There is evidence that several key objectives stated in the consultation document will not be met, despite claims to the contrary;
- All of the aims set out in the consultation document could be achieved by adopting the sustainable options
Our full response to the consultation is here
We encourage you to respond to the consultation here.
Our response to the consultation is here